El INSHT publica en su página web la traducción íntegra de la Ley 31/1995 de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales y el REAL DECRETO 39/1997 del Reglamento de los Servicios de Prevención.
A continuación se ofrecen los textos íntegros que hacen referencia a la coordinación de actividades empresariales y medios de coordinación.

Traducción de texto íntegro de Ley de prevención de riesgos laborales, LEY 31/1995, de 8 de noviembre B.O.E. nº 269, de 10 de noviembre.

Article 24.-Co-ordination among enterprises
1.-Where workers from two or more enterprises share the same workplace for their activities, each enterprise shall co-operate with each other in the application of the legislation on the risks prevention at work. To this end, they shall arrange the necessary means of co-ordination relating to protection and risks prevention at work and information about those risks to their respective workers, in accordance with the terms laid down in number 1, article 18 of this Act.
2.- The employer, owner of the work-place, shall take the necessary measures in order that those other employers who carry out activities in his workplace receive information and adequate instructions, regarding the existing risks at the workplace and  the appropriate measures for protection and prevention and also the emergency measures to be applied, for them to pass on to their own workers.
3.- Enterprises, who contract or subcontract other enterprises in order to carry out works or services corresponding to the own activities of the former and which are executed in their own workplace, shall ensure the compliance by those contractors or subcontractors with the legislation for the risks prevention at work.
4.- The obligations stated in the last paragraph of number 1, article 41 of this Act shall be of application also, with regard to the contracted operations, in the cases in which the workers of the contractor or subcontractor enterprise do not work at the work-place of the main enterprise, whenever such workers have to operate with machinery, equipments, raw materials or tools provided by the main enterprise.
5.- The obligations of co-operation, information and instruction laid down in numbers 1 and 2 shall apply to the self-employed persons who carry out activities in the mentioned workplaces.
Traducción del REAL DECRETO 39/1997, de 17 de enero, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de los Servicios de Prevención. BOE nº 27 31/01/1997.

ROYAL DECREE 39/1997 of 17th January, by virtue of which the Regulations for Prevention Services
Tenth additional provision. Presence of preventive resources on construction sites.
Within the scope of application of Royal Decree 1727/1997 of 24 October, laying down minimum safety and health requirements at construction sites, the presence in the workplace of each contractor’s preventive resources under the fourteenth additional provision of Act 31/1995 of 8 November on Prevention of Occupational Risks shall apply within the meaning of the single additional provision of Royal Decree 1627/1997.

Eleventh additional provision. Dangerous activities for the purposes of coordinating company activities.
For the purposes of Article 13.1.a) of Royal Decree 171/2004 of 30 January, implementing Article 24 of Act 31/1995 of 8 November on Prevention of Occupational Risks, on the coordination of business activities, the activities or processes under Annex I of this Royal Decree shall be considered as dangerous or particularly risky.
Twelfth additional provision. Dangerous activities for the purposes of the consolidated Act on Social Order Infringements and Penalties, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 5/2000 of 4 August.